This blog will be a great place for me to post articles about all the brilliant and talented people I know. I will also talk about Hollywood and mainstream entertainment. I might even post about classic films and musicians. Who knows? The possibilities of this blog are endless. No one knows the limits that this blog will test, not even me. I might even break the borders of Arts and Entertainment.
I hate the terms “blog”, “blogger”, and “blogging”. The word “blog” sounds like something you do on the toilet. But I am not against blogging. Obviously, since that’s what I’m doing right now. There is a lot of BS blogs out there. Who knows? Maybe this one is one of them. But we will find out. Only time will tell.
I am always known as the guy who doesn’t hold anything back. I say what’s on my mind, even if people don’t want to hear it. So hopefully this blog will be a success. As long as you guys can appreciate the fact that I am going to tell you the truth no matter what.
I would also like to ask you to try to not be offended by things I say. Just know that everything is in good fun. Especially this month’s poll. Let it be known that I do not dislike Jon Cryer. I like Jon Cryer. But I still think he is awful. It’s not his fault. I mean, come on, he was Duckie for God’s sake. I do, in fact, hate crawfish though. I think they are the most disgusting miserable creatures that ever existed. So, Jon Cryer, please don’t be offended. I don’t think that you are as useless as a crawfish. Or do I? I can’t even tell you for sure. But the people will tell. And if you are a crawfish supporter and are offended that I compared the crawfish to Jon Cryer, then I really don’t care.
We will come back to this subject.
I bid you farewell for now, and I hope you enjoy “The Unappreciated Scholar”.